"He is an unusual musician...
alternates the execution of the pieces with a talk...
...making the audience to understand and, of course, enjoy
each work and approach the interpreter, the composer"
- Víctor Roura, EL FINANCIERO

luca rebola
Pianist and musician, he likes to propose the musical experience not only in conventional venues and with an interdisciplinary approach.
Born in Pinerolo, Italy, in 1975. He began to study piano at the age of seven. Among his teachers are Silvana Davì, Alessandro Ambrosoli
and Mario Delgado.
He participated in several national and international piano competitions, winning a “Gran Premio Chopin” in the "3rd International Piano Competition Gli amatori del Pianoforte" organized by the Associazione Dino Ciani in Verbania, Italy, in 2005.
In México, he has performed in concerts in Mexico City and in the States of Veracruz, Hidalgo, Querétaro, Guanajuato, Chiapas, San Luís Potosí, Quintana Roo and Tamaulipas.
He has been invited as a soloist from the Orquesta Clásica de Orizaba (OCO) and the Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo (OSUAEH).
Luca Rebola also enjoys teaching piano, with several students in the cities of Xalapa and Veracruz, Mexico, where he currently resides.
Classical music
Original music
Original music
Arrangements and transcriptions
“The Italian conquered the audience with his simplicity and sympathy, as well as with his passionate piano performance"
Combines his formula, talent with charisma
"Rebola's refined technique, as well as his charisma in explaining the context in which each one of the works was created, conquered the public, who paid in applause for the excellent execution of the Italian. ... Not only dexterity and musicality characterized the Italian, but also a pronounced sense of humor"
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"Luca Rebola isn't only a brilliant pianist, he is a generous human being who likes to bring his audience as close as possible to the composer he plays."
El Dictamen